God Does Not Quit

God does not change, we are the ones that change. God does not pull away from us, we pull away from him. God does not quit, we quit. God does not lose faith in us, we lose faith in him.

So when we lose our connection with God, why do we blame him? Here is the thing, the enemy keeps us busy. The enemy makes sure we stay busy enough. Busy enough we don’t pick our bible up. Busy enough we don’t pray when we need to. Then before you know it we believe that God is too busy to be there when we need him. Then we lose faith, all because we were too busy so now what?

All God asks is that we persevere. He doesn’t turn our backs on us when we have doubts, he asks that we bring our doubts to him. In Mark 9:24 you’ll find “I believe, but help my unbelief.”. Jesus wants to help us but the enemy wants us to believe that if we have doubts or lack of faith that Jesus will turn his back on us. Just know that even if you lack faith or have doubts that Jesus still wants to help you and he is not frustrated, he just asks that you go to him for help.

Kelly O'Connor