You Don't Have To Surf The Wave

You see I think we have it all wrong. People often say we just need to surf the wave. What if we don’t have to do that. I think we need to see the wave coming and duck dive.

You see, surfers duck dive under the oncoming wave. Doing so ensures no progress from paddling is lost by being washed backwards by the wave. Notice how they don’t surf every wave, they wait for the right one. The one that’s larger, faster and more powerful.

I think we need to do that with life. Why do we lose so much progress on our journey in life when the pressures of life hit? We sometimes hop on the wrong wave. But, when failure hits, we need to avoid the impact zone and duck dive so we don’t get pushed backwards and lose progress and move one to something larger and more powerful.

When failures hit, duck dive. When success happens, ride that wave. And if you get caught in the white water, get right back up because you never know if the perfect wave is on the way.

Kelly O'Connor