Embrace The Place & God Will Reveal The Purpose

Get knocked down seven times, get up eight times. All the trials that have happened, God allowed them to happen to you because he needed to build your character and develop a tolerance so you could handle what you’re called to do. I think we fight it so hard. We fight the job God placed us in, we fight the college we are placed in, we fight the people he placed around us, and we sometimes even fight the place that God has planted us in.

You see we don't always have to know what we are doing, or why we are somewhere at that time in our lives. Adam did not know why he was in Eden. But, God placed him there to take care of and work the land. Stop fighting where God has placed you, it does not mean you are going to stay in that spot permanently. It means, God has put you there to reveal a part of you.

You may hate your job, your school or your environment, believe me I’ve been there. But, God is trying to show you purpose at that job, he is trying to reveal who he has called you to be. I truly believe we then only move on to the next thing when we have been shown our purpose and when God has revealed the part of us we need to succeed in our true purpose. If you start to embrace the place God has you in, only then will you understand the purpose as to why he put you there.

I left a career I loved, and one my work was appreciated and valued, to work at a job in an industry most people try to avoid. I felt like God told me I needed to do it. I didn’t know why and I really didn't want to leave a stable career I loved but I knew I needed to. In the job I left my professional career to go to, I was manipulated, screamed at, lied to and silenced because I stood up for the fact that we deserved our tips daily instead of twice a year. My work was taken advantage of and it broke my spirit.

I remember saying “okay Lord, what the heck was this job for, why did you want me to come to this place?” And then I realized when I was 14 years old I said, “I am going to be self employed, I don’t want to work for anyone else, I am meant to work for myself.” Fast Forward to now I quit the toxic job and I am now self employed full time, being my own boss, making my own schedule and I still get to do work related to the career that I loved but left. Just remember, every place in your life has a purpose.

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