Privacy is Peace.

The last post I did was 22 Things I Learned In 2022. I decided to go into depth on each of the things I learned. That list was made in no particular order but the first thing on the list was Privacy is Peace. So, I wanted to talk a little bit more on that.

I think when it comes to life goals we sometimes want to share it out of excitement. We want people to be excited with us. But, not everyone is going to be excited. Not everyone will believe in you. Some people will be jealous of you or threatened by your success. Heres what I have learned:

Every start has an enemy is secret. While God rejoices, they are hating. So, why do we feel the. need to share every dream we have in a play by play? Protect the infant stages of your new beginnings. Think about this, King Herod tried to kill Jesus Christ as an infant. He even ordered the death of every child in Bethlehem that was under the age of two. Why would he be so threatened by an infant? Why would he want to eliminate him? His fear was that eventually Jesus would take over his throne, so it was easier to destroy an infant than a powerful leader.

So, now you wonder why when you share goals and dreams with people that not everyone is always supportive. They may even try to steer you away from your goals all together. The reason one may do this is, it’s easier to kill a dream in its beginning stages. It’s easy for them to keep you small. It’s easier for them to get you to change your direction entirely, at the beginning.

They are afraid of your success, so you start to make moves in silence. Don’t announce the job, until you have the badge. Don’t announce the car, until you have the keys. Don’t announce the business, until you have the LLC. Don’t announce anything, unless you want to.

Just remember it’s harder to take down an established dream, but it’s easier to destroy a blueprint.

Kelly O'Connor