How To Save Money In 2024

Hey y’all! I’m sure How To Save Money In 2024 is something that many people are thinking about. The good news is there are plenty of ways to do that. Look, the reality is if you are serious about maintaining a budget there will be some sacrifices and changes that need to be made. I will share with you some ways you can start saving money today.

  • Eliminate Alcohol: This is something so many people spend money on whether the economy is good or bad. Whether someone makes a lot of a little. This is something that would make a noticeable difference in many peoples monthly spending if they would just stop buying and consuming it. Not to mention, your health will thank you for it!

  • Do Not Upgrade Your Phone Unless Necessary: This is such a simple thing to implement. Use your phone until it no longer functions.

  • No Scent Boosters or Dryer Sheets: This is just an added expense. You might be wondering about the static without dryer sheets, You could invest in wool dryer balls. Yes, it smells good. But, laundry scent boosters are just totally not necessary if you are looking to save money. Your health will thank you for eliminating those as well.

  • No Processed Junk Foods: You do not need to buy all the pastries at the store. You do not need to buy all the pre packaged processed foods. Focus on Whole Foods that come from nature. Of course, you don’t have to be a purist with this one. Adding a snack or two won’t ruin your budget but it should not make up most of your cart. You want cookies? Make you own. You want salsa? Make your own. etc.

  • No Subscription Boxes: There is a subscription box for nearly every hobby out there. While they seem like a fun idea to try new things, if your goal is to save money go ahead and cancel those subscription boxes.

  • Cancel Cable: Cancelling cable and just getting a subscription such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. is a simple way to eliminate some cost from your monthly spending. Also, getting the most basic plan will help as well. I know some streaming services offer ad free for an extra charge but, it’s okay to watch some Ads.

  • Reduce Eating Out: I am sure you have heard this one before but it truly is one of the fastest ways to overspend. If you want burgers, make them at home. If you want steak, make it at home. If you want tacos, make them at home. Make it something fun to try and recreate your favorite meals. Like with many things, the more you cook the better you will get at it and don’t be afraid to try new things. Eating out can be so costly. You don’t have to be extreme with this. You could still go out to eat once a week and cook at home the other meals. You know where your food comes from when you make it from scratch as well.

  • Make Coffee At Home: I know many people have the mindset that a $6 coffee a day isn’t going to make you broke. Even, if you could afford to get a coffee each day, it truly adds up fast. Make getting coffee a special treat not a convenience thing. I love making my coffee at home.

  • Keep Lights Off During The Day: If the sun is shining bright, open up those curtains and blinds and let the natural light beam in. I keep lights off during the day and especially when I leave the house. Now, you don’t have to sit in a dark house. If the sun is not out and it’s dark and overcast outside. It’s okay to turn some lights on. But, being mindful of excess power use can save on your power bill.

  • Meal Plan Before Grocery Shopping: Write out the meals you would like to make for the week and buy what you need for those meals. It is not a good idea to go into grocery shopping not knowing what to make and you end buying tons of random stuff that won’t end up being able to put together many meals. Also, buying Whole Foods and less pre packaged processed foods will help your wallet and your health.

  • Order Water When Eating Out: Sodas when eating out can also collectively add up. Ordering water most of the time will make a difference.

  • Stop Going To Nail Salons: I used to go to nail salons too and I know it is fun and relaxing. However, it is just not necessary. It is simple these days to be able to learn to do your own nails at home.

  • Stop Buying Excess Hair Products andCosmetics: We don’t need to own tons of hair products and cosmetics. Of course, it’s okay to try new stuff but wait until one your products runs out to buy something new.

  • No Appetizers: When you do go out to eat. Go to places that have free bread or chips to eat while you wait for your main meal. Otherwise, not ordering appetizers when you go out can help save on your overall bill.

  • Limit Driving: It’s no secret that Gas is quite expensive in many places. That being said it might sound silly but limit your driving. What I mean by this is if you live further from town make the most of your trips to town. Try to get as many errands done as you can in one trip so you don’t have to make multiple trips a week to the same area if you can help it.

  • Turn A/C or Furnace Off And Open Windows: This is something that I love to do anyway but it’s a bonus to save money. I understand not every climate allows for this but I love turning the A/C or furnace off whenever I can and letting the fresh air into the house.

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