10 Ways To Help Boost Your Health Today

Hey Y’all! I know towards the beginning of the year leading up to summer everyone is motivated and excited about their health and fitness. However, I believe health isn’t a diet, a quick fix or a trend. It is a lifestyle. I think the first thing is your motivation shouldn’t just be for vanity but for health reasons too. Here ate 10 things you can do today to help your health. Please keep in mind this is not medical advice, these are just healthy lifestyle changes that your body will thank you for.

  • Eliminate False Fragrance: This one is huge. It will help your health so much. False fragrances are an endocrine disruptor. You may be thinking it’s too expensive to replace everything. Just wait until an item runs out and replace it with something cleaner. Be aware of green washing when shopping for new products. The term “All Natural” tricks the consumer. Look at the ingredients and if it has the word fragrance, that is what you want to avoid.

  • Filter Your Water: Stop drinking tap water. Like, right now. There are so many contaminants found in tap water from pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, chemicals and so much more. Just because a brand sells a water filter, does not mean that it’s filtering out all of the contaminants. The one I loved and trusted for a year now is the Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher.

  • Eat Whole Foods From Nature: There once was a time where convenience foods were what was found in the garden or on the homestead. Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs from your chickens in your backyard. Now, we are so far removed from that and are consuming bread, pasta and pizza as convenience foods. We need to move away from that being our go to and bring back homegrown food as our convenience food.

  • Exercise Daily: This is so important. You don’t have to be extreme and you can start small. Start with walking 30min a day. Then you can add running and even some weight lifting.

  • Get Out In The Sun: The sun is so necessary for us. getting out in the morning and evening sun is the best. It is a great source of Vitamin D. You could compound some habits here and do your 30 minute walk outside in the sun.

  • Eliminate Plastic In The Kitchen: There are certain chemicals found in plastic that can leach out from the plastic and onto the food you eat. Trade out your plastic cooking utensils for wooden ones. Trade your plastic cups for glass. Trade out your plastic storage containers for glass ones. You can just transition as your budget allows.

  • Get Rid Of Toxic Non Stick Pots and Pans: At high temperatures the teflon coating found on many non stick pots and pans can breakdown and start to release toxic fumes into the air. Teflon can contribute to a slew of health issues. You can replace your teflon and traditional non stick pans for ceramic and cast iron.

  • Cut Out Extra Sugars: We have all heard that sugar is not good for you. However, if only you knew how bad it was for you, you would be quick to cut back on the sugar. It is not necessary to fill your cart with cakes, pastries, brownies and carbs. It’s okay to maybe have one of.those things but you don’t need them all. Eliminate sugar in your morning coffee. Stop drinking sodas. There are lots of ways to eliminate a majority of the sugar from your diet.

  • Open Up The Windows: Indoor air quality typically is pretty poor. Believe it or not opening up the windows on nice days and letting the fresh air in can really help freshen up the air in the house.

  • Consume Enough Protein: Consuming enough protein is so important. Ladies, your body needs food! Specifically protein. Consuming protein before your healthy carbs can help your body process the sugars from them. Just a few examples of some of my favorite sources of protein are: Pasture Raised Eggs, Chicken, Shrimp, Beef, and Just Ingredients Chocolate Protein Powder.

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Kelly O'Connor