6 Things To Do To Prepare and Reset For The Next Month

The months seem to be flying by. Everything seems to move so quickly sometimes so here are some simple things I do at the beginning of each month to prepare and reset for the month.

  1. Discuss Budget and Finances: We always discuss upcoming bills or expenses at the beginning of each month and write it down in our planner so that way we know what to expect financially and we can refer back to it whenever we need to.

  2. Go Over your Schedule: Similarly we go over our schedule at the beginning of each month so we can plan ahead.

  3. Create Your To-do List: Going along with that I will create my to-do list. It may be a project a cleaning task, specific errands and maybe some goals I have for that month as well.

  4. Clean Out Your Fridge & Freezer: This is something I love to do at the beginning of each month. It is much more manageable than waiting until it gets out of hand. It is a pretty quick process at this point.

  5. Take Inventory: Once I have cleaned out the fridge and freezer, I take inventory of food and ingredients we already have so I don’t waste anything or buy things that I do not need. This is also a way that we save money is to shop based off of things we already have.

  6. Buy Birthday Cards: If you have any birthdays that month, the beginning of the month is a great time to buy birthday cards so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute.

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