The Supportive Role On The Farm

Hey y’all! I wanted to share with y’all a little bit about being a supportive role on the farm. We hear a lot about the operational roles on the farm which are essential to the operation but I am here to tell you that a supportive role on the farm is just as essential to a smooth operation. Each farm may have slightly different tasks for the supportive role but all across farms the supportive role is a very important role.

Field Meals and keeping your farmer fed healthy, high protein meals is definitely super important to helping them stay fueled and ready for the day. I love making and delivering field meals to my husband but also providing meals all year long. I pack his lunch for work everyday so he can get a home cooked meal while at work but also so it is healthier and more convenient for him. It’s a way that I can add value to his day and take something off of his plate no pun intended.

Picking up parts doesn’t happen very often as he has most of the parts shipped ahead of time. We also keep some things on hand to try and avoid a downed machine while waiting for parts. Picking up parts on short notice can also be really helpful for them.

Odds and Ends work and just being flexible for my husband and helping in whatever way he may need that day. Sometimes that might be pinning and unpinning wagons, chopping stalks, moving wagons around, mowing, etc. Just be flexible and open minded to maybe having to try something with a machine that you haven’t had to do yet.

If you have children, you may have one of the most important roles of raising these children in a hands on work environment. Teaching them the value of hard work on the farm. Appreciating the land and loving the livestock.

Laundry, Laundry and more Laundry. This may seem like a smaller task, however anyone that has a blue collar husband understands their laundry is often covered in oil, grease, fuel and glue. This is also a simple thing you can do to help their day go smoother by making sure they have clean clothes ready for the next work day.

I’ve heard people tell me before, that he should cook and clean too and things like that. I think many can understand farming is not a job it’s a lifestyle. Not only do we work the farm but my husband also works a day job as well. So, to the farm wives. We may not be able to lighten the operational work load for them always. There is so much we can do to support them and help them feel appreciated and for their day to day to run smoother. I get so much fulfillment being able to always love and support him.

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