5 Simple Ways To Eat Healthier

You won’t catch me recommending a diet ever. When I refer to the word diet that just refers to the food I eat, not a trend or a fad. For me the way I eat with my diet is more so a lifestyle. It changes, I learn more, etc. I thought I would just share with you 5 Simple Ways To Eat Healthier.

  • Cook and Eat at Home: Cooking at home is healthier, as you can pick and choose the quality of the ingredients you use. It also saves money. Find your favorite restaurant dish and try to recreate them at home. Choosing high quality ingredients, organic, no seed oils, real butter NOT margarine, etc. If your recipe calls for ranch try to even make the ranch from scratch as well. If you want bread, make the bread from scratch. It might not be convenient but often times we are sacrificing our health for the sake of convenience with our food.

  • Keep Healthy Foods Prepared: I know the reason why a lot of people end up turning to unhealthy food or fast food is due to convenience. I like to keep healthy foods prepared including meals, snacks and drinks. I like to meal prep one or two meals each week to have on hand for easy lunches. Also, washing and preparing your fruits and veggies when you get them home from the store so that way when you go to reach for a snack, you don’t have to prepare them.

  • Don’t Keep Junkfood Around: You will be less likely to eat junk food all day if you simply do not buy it. We typically will buy one sweet treat a week, if even that often. We just don’t really care to have more than that. You will notice after a while that the less junk food you eat the less you will want it because you don’t feel so good after eating it.

  • Eat high protein: Eating high protein and good quality protein is a key to staying full and nourished. You need to eat food. You just need to eat good quality, nutrient dense food. Eggs, Steak, Shrimp, Protein Powder and Cottage Cheese are a few simple protein ideas to add to your meals.

  • Eat More Whole Foods: Eating more Whole Foods and less processed foods. I do not eat many snacks that come from a box. Whenever I can I make our meals from scratch. Fruits, Veggies, Hard Boiled Eggs, Cheese and Nuts are a few Whole Foods you can add to your day.

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